iFuse Implant System® from SI Bone®, Inc.

iFuse Implant System® from SI Bone®, Inc.

SI-Bone® is a medical device company pioneering MIS sacroiliac (SI) joint treatment. The iFuse Implant System is intended for sacroiliac joint fusion for some causes of SI joint pain. SI joint treatment using the patented triangular design of the iFuse Implant™ has produced unparalleled clinical results. More than seventy published, peer-reviewed articles demonstrate safety and effectiveness of the iFuse Implant System.

iFuse is the only SI joint fusion system with clinical studies demonstrating that treatment improved pain, patient function, and quality of life.  More than seventy published, peer-reviewed articles demonstrate safety and effectiveness of the iFuse Implant System 1.

The iFuse Implant System® is a minimally invasive option for patients suffering from SI joint dysfunction.

This special procedure takes about an hour and involves three small titanium implants inserted surgically across the SI joint. The entire procedure is done through a small incision, with no soft tissue stripping and minimal tendon irritation. Patients may leave the hospital the next day after surgery and can usually resume daily living activities within six weeks, depending on how well they are healing and based on physician’s orders.

The iFuse procedure offers several benefits compared to traditional SI joint surgery:

  • Minimal incision size
  • Immediate post-operative stabilization
  • Minimal soft tissue stripping
  • Potential of a quicker recovery

There are potential risks associated with the iFuse System.  It may not be appropriate for all patients and all patients may not benefit.  For information about the risks, visit http://www.si-bone.com/risks


Do you have SI Joint pain?  Take this short quiz.