Blog - orthopedic

Do Injections work for osteoarthritis pain in the hip and knee?

So you’re thinking about an injection to treat your hip/knee osteoarthritis. Here’s what you should know. First, if your knee pain or hip pain is keeping you from pursuing the lifestyle you want, then you need to do more


What causes tennis elbow and how you can alleviate some of your symptoms

Tennis Elbow? But I don’t play tennis…. Have you reached out to lift the coffee pot, or gripped your briefcase at your side and had pain in the outer part of your elbow? How many times have you more


“I was convinced physical therapy was a waste of time”

Tom and his friend Nancy prepare to climb Machu Picchu. “I thought I would never walk without pain, that I would no longer be able to do the things I once could.” I can imagine what you’re thinking more