
Step Safely into Winter

Posted on: October 18th, 2024 by Ortho Illinois

As the winter season approaches, it’s time to gear up for outdoor activities like skiing, skating, and even shoveling snowy sidewalks. However, winter sports and icy conditions also come with an increased risk of ankle injuries. Twists, sprains, and even fractures are more common during these colder months. Luckily, there are ways to prepare your body to handle the challenges of winter.

Why Ankle Injuries Are More Common in Winter

Winter activities like skiing and skating often involve quick, sharp movements on slippery, unstable surfaces, which puts extra strain on your ankles. These sports increase the risk of rolling or twisting your ankle due to sudden shifts in direction. Slippery ice or uneven snow also adds to the challenge, making it easier to lose balance and suffer a sprain or fracture.

In addition, tasks like shoveling snow or walking on icy sidewalks pose a risk. Wintry weather can tighten muscles and ligaments, reducing flexibility and making you more vulnerable to injury. Snow and ice create unstable, hard-to-see surfaces, which increase the likelihood of sudden slips or twists that can lead to ankle injuries.

Tips to Strengthen Your Ankles and Prevent Injuries

Build Strength with Exercises
Strengthening your ankles is a “snow-brainer” to prevent injuries. Try incorporating these exercises into your routine:

  • Ankle circles: Rotate your ankles in both directions to improve flexibility and strength.
  • Heel raises: Stand on a flat surface, raise up on your toes, and slowly lower down. This helps strengthen your calf muscles and ankles.
  • Resistance band work: Use a resistance band to stretch and strengthen your ankle muscles by pushing and pulling against the band.

Warm Up Before Activity

Before hitting the icy trails or frosty slopes, take a few minutes to warm up those muscles. Ankle stretches and movements like ankle rolls or toe flexes can help prevent injuries, so you don’t get left out in the cold with a sprain or strain.

Wear Proper Footwear

When venturing out into snow or icy conditions, make sure you’re wearing sturdy, well-fitting footwear. Choose boots with good ankle support and non-slip soles to prevent slips and falls. For winter sports, invest in proper gear designed for skiing or skating to provide the support your ankles need.

Watch Your Step

Walking on icy surfaces is “snow joke.” Keep an eye on where you are stepping, move cautiously on icy surfaces, and avoid quick, jerky movements that could lead to a fall. If possible, use salt or sand on walkways to reduce slipperiness.

What to Do If You Get Injured

Even with the best precautions, accidents can still happen. If you experience a slip or fall and feel any pain, swelling, or instability in your ankle, stop immediately and rest. Applying ice (yes we said ice), elevating your foot, and consulting a doctor—like the specialists at OrthoIllinois—will help ensure you’re back on your feet and ready to enjoy the frosty season in no time.

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