Blog - Sports

3 ways to prevent running injuries: are you doing any of them?

How can you avoid being one of the 75% of runners who experience an injury? It’s possible, and here are three quick tips to help prevent a knee injury, which account for 42% of all running injuries. Post-run more


The danger of a too-lean physique for female athletes

The positive effects of sport participation in females are numerous and include both mental and physical health benefits.  However, with the increasing number of adolescent females participating in sports, a unique health concern arises.  The Female Athlete Triad, more


Overuse baseball injuries and how to identify and prevent them

Who wants to be the best?  I would venture to say most people want to be the best.  Now, how many of us actually work hard enough to be the best?  Maybe that’s a smaller number. I think more


3 tips to prevent basketball injuries in young athletes

It only takes one second. But the affects are felt for days, weeks, maybe the whole season. As we enter the halfway point during the basketball season, a common question in sports medicine is how does an athlete more


How to stay fit and prevent running injuries during the winter

Do you brave the dark, cold, snow, and ice and head outside, retreat to a treadmill, or take a break until warmer weather returns? All of these are fairly common options, but there’s more to consider. What to more


Off Season training tips for high school athletes from the #SportsSafety twitter

Once a month, on Wednesdays, @SportsSafety hosts a #SportsSafety Twitter chat, and it’s always a fruitful discussion (Hint: this is your invitation to participate on February 12th). January’s topic covered off-season training for young athletes, and it did more