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Return to active lifestyle after hip, knee surgery by following a recovery plan

The virtue of patience rings true for many aspects of our daily lives, particularly when recovering from an injury. Whether the injury was sudden, or pain built up over time, we want it fixed, and we want it more


Research, a cornerstone of OrthoIllinois services

One of the many ways OrthoIllinois strives to improve patient care is through research, with a dedicated department for clinical trials that is busy year-round. Research helps OrthoIllinois provide the best treatment options for patients for a variety more


Recognizing the Signs of Juvenile Arthritis

When you hear “Arthritis” you think “that’s an old person’s disease,” right? But children can get arthritis too. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 294,000 children in the United States, or one in 250, have been diagnosed more


When it comes to summer chores – think safety first

From mowing the lawn to making s’mores around a campfire to preparing food for the grill, there are many ways we can injure our hands in the summer. In fact, hand injuries are more common in the summer more


Men, don’t ignore that nagging shoulder pain

Our busy lives give us plenty of excuses to postpone doctor visits and ignore health concerns. In June, we celebrate the start of summer and Men’s Health Month, and both are good reminders for the guys out there more


Feeling great can cause a longer recovery. It’s crucial to follow doctor’s orders after surgery

Significant medical advances in surgery have led to many advantages for today’s patients. Gone are the days of long hospital stays and recovery times. With less invasive procedures patients are experiencing less pain and getting back to normal more