Blog - Fitness

6 questions answered about pulled hamstrings

1. What causes a pulled hamstring? A “pulled” or strained muscle is usually caused by a sudden contraction of the muscle, which stretches the muscle fibers beyond what they normally can tolerate. Imagine guide wires supporting a pole. more


5 Keys of Proper Running Form

Hold on a second. Isn’t running just grabbing a pair of shoes and putting one foot in front of the other? If you’ve thought this, you’re not alone, and technically, yes. All you need to do to run is–well–run, more


Is the endurance craze good for our bodies?

It’s that time of year again, summer has ended, kids are back in school, and the fall marathon season is upon us. Now, maybe the fall marathon season is not upon you, but keep reading anyway because my more


How to treat damaged tissue without decreasing your activity level

We all want to avoid cutting back our activity level, but sometimes, injuries make that unavoidable, but why not deal with the injury before it becomes a problem? Why not treat the injury and remain active? Keep running, more


Vibram USA’s class action suit, minimalist shoes, and the science and marketing of running

Minimalist Running Shoes, Science or Marketing? Over the past few years, the running shoe section at your local sporting goods store has undergone some significant changes. The minimalist running shoe has become a mainstream option for recreational runners, more


3 ways to prevent running injuries: are you doing any of them?

How can you avoid being one of the 75% of runners who experience an injury? It’s possible, and here are three quick tips to help prevent a knee injury, which account for 42% of all running injuries. Post-run more