Advancements in modern medicine and even the COVID-19 pandemic have drastically increased orthopedic outpatient surgeries in the U.S. over the last several years. In fact, nearly 80 percent of all procedures performed by OrthoIllinois physicians in 2022 were more
Did you know that half of all women, and a quarter of all men, will eventually break a bone due to osteoporosis? This bone disease has the potential to affect half of all adults ages 50 and older – more
Cort Lawton, MD, always knew his career would involve sports in some way, shape, or form. “Sports consumed my life in my early years. I guess you could say I was a sports fanatic,” he shared. Growing up more
Your bones and joints are important components of the musculoskeletal system and keeping them healthy and safe can keep you strong and active. Your bones support your body and protect your organs while joints connect your bones and more
It’s all fun and games, until some gets hurt. After watching the 2022 Winter Olympics, many of us have the desire to get out and enjoy some winter sports activities – like that two-man luge. That looked like fun! more
Each season certainly has its unique injuries, but winter is accident-prone in its own way! During winter months, you might develop an injury from slipping on ice, strain a muscle while shoveling or blowing snow or break a more