A recent study in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, found that an avocado-soy pill decreased the percentage of people whose osteoarthritis progressed after three years by 10%. While this may seem somewhat promising, Dr. Richard Olson, a rheumatologist...read more
Thumb basal joint arthritis is the most common arthritic condition affecting the hands, and it turns routine activities such as opening jars, turning keys, shaking hands, and even buttoning into painful activities; frankly, it’s a debilitating condition, but it’s...read more
Once a month, on Wednesdays, @SportsSafety hosts a #SportsSafety Twitter chat, and it’s always a fruitful discussion (Hint: this is your invitation to participate on February 12th). January’s topic covered off-season training for young athletes, and it did not...read more
Have you ever had a slight throbbing in your foot suddenly begin during a run? You’re a few miles in to your run, and there it is. Each step sends a little bit of pain up your leg, and...read more
Hip pain is very common. I see it everyday in my clinic; previously active patients find it harder and harder to do the activities they love because of hip problems, and that pain indiscriminately affects people across age groups...read more
Last Tuesday night (12/3/2013), some of our Sports Med staff participated in a Twitter chat about athletic injury reporting. If you haven’t ever seen a Twitter chat before, it’s quite the rodeo. People’s fingers fly as they frantically type...read more