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You can have shoulder arthritis and still be fit and active

It’s a terrible feeling. You just know that if you don’t change your workout habits, you’ll end up not being able to work out. I know because I was there.  My shoulder sounds like gravel, and I had more


First it was a lump in my palm and now I can’t straighten my fingers

So why the picture of some random guy? Well, he’s not random. We have him to thank for Dupuytren’s contracture (he’s Dupuytren, in case you didn’t pick that up). Dupuytren’s is a potentially debilitating condition where your fingers more


The danger of a too-lean physique for female athletes

The positive effects of sport participation in females are numerous and include both mental and physical health benefits.  However, with the increasing number of adolescent females participating in sports, a unique health concern arises.  The Female Athlete Triad, more


Overuse baseball injuries and how to identify and prevent them

Who wants to be the best?  I would venture to say most people want to be the best.  Now, how many of us actually work hard enough to be the best?  Maybe that’s a smaller number. I think more


Are you taking the right medications for osteoarthritis pain? Part 1

Pain relief for arthritis is possible through medication. But nothing will completely solve the problem because we can’t repair or replace damaged cartilage. Yet. That doesn’t mean, though, that you have to live with excessive pain–a reality I more


When snow blowers attack: everything you need to know to avoid a snow blower injury

Are you excited for snow? Tons of it? Or perhaps just a few inches? No? Neither are we, but every year, the snow comes and we can’t stop it.  It blows, it’s cold, and it usually stays until more