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Latest research: fast food is bad for your bones

According to Pew Research Center, America has 160,000 fast food restaurants, which serve 50 million people each day, and all those people, generate 110 billion in annual revenue. That’s a lot of money. But we’re not talking about more


New study results indicate you should start hopping

We’ve talked a lot about hips on the blog, and if you’ve missed out on any of those excellent posts, here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve done: I had a total hip replacement and my hip hurts! more


We’re changing our name December 1st!

There’s a change on the horizon at Rockford Orthopedic and Crystal Lake Orthopedics that we’re pretty excited about! Effective December 1, 2015, both organizations will begin practicing under the new unified name of OrthoIllinois. While the name on more


Fitness: It’s all about the journey

Fitness is a life long journey with ups and downs and many different roads. Be willing to adapt to your injuries and your current needs. I don’t know about you, but it can be challenging to exercise, but it’ more


It’s World Osteoporosis Day, so let’s serve up bone health!

Like the title says, today is World Osteoporosis Day, and the International Osteoporosis Foundation has put together some great resources to learn more about Osteoporosis. This year, the theme of World Osteoporosis Day is “Serve Up Bone Strength.” more


6 simple exercises to help decrease low back pain

1. Double knee to chest Lay on your back and bring both knees towards your chest until you feel a gentle stretch in the low back; hold for 30 seconds Repeat 3x 2. Hamstring stretch Lay on more