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Same day, outpatient knee replacement available at OrthoIllinois

“I’m having my knee replaced in the morning and then planning to relax at home the rest of the day.” Some of our total knee replacement patients can now say that, which we think is quite exciting! It’s more


When is the right time to take the plunge for a shoulder arthroplasty?

Patients come to my office with shoulder pain for many reasons. One of the more common conditions in my shoulder practice is osteoarthritis. The smooth articular cartilage of the ball and socket wear out, and your body tries to more


Can you return to sports after a total hip replacement?

After your surgery, you will do exercises to strengthen the muscles that support your joints. Strong leg muscles will help you to return to those activities of daily living such as walking, climbing stairs, getting up from a more


The American Academy of Pediatrics wants to improve safety in youth football

28% of children aged 5-14 play football in the US. On top of that, just over 1 million students play high school football. That’s a lot inspirational speeches, narrow victories and devastating defeats, and tackles. That’s a lot more


Dr. Izquierdo to serve as invited faculty for ASES/AAOS event!

Dr Izquierdo has again earned the distinction as invited faculty for an educational symposium organized by the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. He will be teaching practicing orthopedic surgeons on several complex shoulder topics. Dr Izquierdo performs an more